It has been a long year without my mom. My mom and I did not always see eye to eye on things but she was still Ella Mae. I would call her anyway just to talk to her because she always kept me updated on what was going on in the family and in Monroe. I had so many of her ways that we clashed all the time. It is funny that now I can sit back and remember all the things she taught me about being a woman and life. Our lives were so different because she got married right after high school and my dad went into the Air Force and they were married for 48 years. She was never molested,never a teenage parent, never went to college,never moved away from home alone, never worked in corporate america and was never divorced. It was really hard for her to identify with me and my life. I really fault moving back to Houston in 2008 and I was really angry that my baby trick me into it but in the end it was the best decision for me. I got a chance to send her last Christmas with her and I got to spend time with her before she passed away. It took me a long time after she passed to break the habit of calling home everyday at lunch to talk to her and calling her everytime something happen with the kids or in my life. My older sister is now filling in for my mom and we talk often. My mom died believing that I was not happy because I was not married and she wanted to see me get remarried. I believe that her and my dad look down at me and the kids and just laugh on a daily basis now and that makes me feel good. I miss her alot and her collard greens and cornbread. Fantasia song has me thinking more of my mom collard greens and cornbread then the love of my life she is referring to in the song.
Ella Mae Conley-Tyler
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